Abraham’s Faith Tested
30th May, 2023

The Faith of Abraham:
Lessons from Genesis 22


In Genesis 22, we encounter a profound story of faith, obedience, and trust in God as displayed by Abraham. This lesson will delve into the historical context leading up to Genesis 22, explore the faith of Abraham, draw valuable lessons from this scripture, and examine the symbolism behind the ram offering. Furthermore, we will attempt to understand why God asked Abraham to offer his son, Isaac.

Abraham and Isaac. Abraham's faith is tested when God tells him to offer his only son as a sacrifice to prove obedience

Historical Background:

To understand the significance of Genesis 22, it is essential to briefly review the events leading up to this chapter. God called Abraham (formerly Abram) out of his homeland in Ur and promised to make him a great nation and bless all the families of the earth through him (Genesis 12:1-3). Abraham believed God’s promise, and despite many trials and challenges, he continued to trust in the Lord’s faithfulness.

Abraham and his wife Sarah were childless for many years, but God assured them that they would have a son. In their old age, Isaac was miraculously born, fulfilling God’s promise (Genesis 21:1-7). Isaac was the long-awaited child of promise, and Abraham’s love for his son was immense.

The Faith of Abraham:

Genesis 22 begins with God testing Abraham’s faith. The Lord calls upon him, saying, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you” (Genesis 22:2).

Abraham’s response to this extraordinary command reveals the depth of his faith. Early the next morning, Abraham and Isaac set out for the place of sacrifice. As they journeyed, Isaac questioned his father about the absence of a sacrificial animal. Abraham, trusting in God’s provision, replied, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering” (Genesis 22:8).

Upon reaching the designated mountain, Abraham built an altar, bound Isaac, and prepared to offer him as a sacrifice. However, just as Abraham raised the knife, the angel of the Lord intervened, staying his hand. God commended Abraham’s faith and provided a ram caught in a thicket as a substitute for Isaac (Genesis 22:9-14).

Lessons from Genesis 22:

Radical Obedience and Trust:

Abraham’s unquestioning obedience to God’s command is a powerful example of faith. Despite the emotional turmoil and personal sacrifice involved, Abraham remained faithful and trusted in God’s plan. This challenges us to examine our own obedience and trust in God’s leading, even when it seems difficult or beyond our understanding.

God’s Faithfulness and Provision:

Abraham’s belief that God would provide a sacrificial offering was not in vain. God provided a ram at the right moment, displaying His faithfulness and confirming that He would indeed fulfil His promises. We can take comfort in the assurance that God is faithful to His Word and will provide for our needs in His perfect timing.

The Cost of True Worship:

Abraham’s willingness to offer his beloved son reveals the depth of his devotion to God. It reminds us that true worship often requires sacrifice, surrendering the things we hold dear to honour and obey God. Our worship should not be shallow or superficial but marked by a sacrificial heart.

Symbolism of the Ram Offering:

The ram caught in the thicket carries symbolic significance. Just as the ram took Isaac’s place on the altar, it foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who would become the Lamb of God offered for the sins of humanity. The ram’s substitutionary offering is a prefiguration of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, demonstrating God’s mercy and love.

Why did God ask Abraham to offer his son?

God’s request for Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice serves several purposes:

  • Testing Abraham’s Faith: God wanted to assess the depth and authenticity of Abraham’s faith. The command to offer Isaac challenged Abraham to relinquish his most treasured possession and submit fully to God’s will.
  • Foreshadowing the Messiah: Through this test, God provided a prophetic glimpse of the future sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His own Son, who would offer Himself for the salvation of humanity.
  • Reinforcing God’s Covenant: By testing Abraham’s faith and reaffirming His covenant with him, God solidified Abraham’s position as the father of the faithful and the recipient of God’s blessings.


Genesis 22 showcases Abraham’s unwavering faith and willingness to obey God, even in the face of a seemingly unthinkable command. This chapter not only reveals the faithfulness of God but also offers profound lessons for our own lives. We are called to trust God completely, obey Him without reservation, and understand the cost of true worship. Furthermore, the symbolism of the ram offering points to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and God’s request for Isaac’s offering serves to test Abraham’s faith, foreshadow the Messiah, and reinforce God’s covenant. May the story of Abraham’s faith inspire us to live lives marked by unwavering trust and obedience to our Heavenly Father.